Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend round-up

Well as you may have guessed, I spent the weekend recovering from my first week back at work after my Christmas holidays.  Needless to say, the week sucked pretty huge.  And knowing that I'm going back tomorrow not really any further ahead than I was on Friday isn't making me all that jazzed about hauling my butt there.  So things around the Tamarco household were pretty chilled out.  Friday night we hung around the house and watched some VERY bad television.  Like we're talking "When Good Pets Go Bad" kind of bad.  We're not sure what got into us but it happened.  
     Saturday I took my 2 oldest nieces to see Enchanted and I honestly liked it more than I thought it would.  First of all, it wasn't Alvin & The Chipmunks which was their first choice so that's automatically a point in the Enchanted column.  I've never had to veto their movie choice until this weekend.  I really, really couldn't see myself sitting though that movie.  I think it would just make me too sad to remember the time when Jason Lee used to make good movies.  So thankfully we were dealing with a 7 and a 6 year old so a princess movie was still very high on their list.  I can totally see why Amy Adams got nominated for a Golden Globe - that's not an easy role to play at all and she was really great. Not Junebug great, but still great. The movie was very girly and very romantic and honestly had some pretty funny moments.  Saturday night we laid low, grabbed some quick sushi downtown and proceeded with the vegging. 
      Sunday was a full dismantling of the Christmas tree therefore I was sad.  Now my living room corner just looks empty and lonely.  To cheer up, we went to see Margot at the Wedding with Miss Gomm and while it was a really good movie, it kind of made me happy I don't have a sister.  Sisters are just awful to each other!  My biggest concern growing up with a brother was getting sat on and tickled until I cried; I never had to worry about full-on attacks on every part of my being like I would have with a sister.  Aside from sharing the theatre with THE loudest group of people I've ever had the pleasure of sharing a row with, it was a great movie. Seriously, who brings all 3 of their kids to a movie like this??  And little kids to boot!  At one point in the film the main character is pleasuring herself for god's sake!  Yeesh.....anyway it's the latest movie from Noah Baumback who did The Squid & The Whale which we completely loved.  If you didn't, then don't go see this one.  It's very much the same style with untold background stories and a somewhat incomplete ending and very frank dialogue between family members.  The missing info is probably one of the things I like the most about him.  He doesn't make movies for stupid people like seemingly everyone else in Hollywood does.  And by stupid people, I mean the people that require every piece of background history, a nice ending wrapped up in a bow with no unanswered questions and characters with zero mystery.  Nicole Kidman was actually quite good and that's saying something for me because I am really not a fan at all.  At least the woman makes decent movie choices though, I'll give her that much.  She doesn't really pull the Julia Roberts thing and do stupid romantic comedies in between meaty dramatic roles.  Except for maybe Bewitched....that was pretty stupid.  Anyway, it was a good movie and we got to hear all about Miss Gomm and the gang's holiday trip to Bequai.
Sunday night we made a big batch o'burgers after watching the people in Margot mow down on summer BBQ for 2 hours.  I also made the Smoky Squash Soup from French Food at Home for lunches this week.  It's pretty freaking tasty.  Even though I really don't like the host and her seemingly endless stories about living in Paris with her silly friends.  We get it! You lived this idyllic life in Paris and spent your days cooking and strolling around parks in a big hat!  Must you rub it in?  Just cook your food and shut your trap.


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