Monday, January 7, 2008

to resolve or not to resolve

Well the New Year is upon us and do we dare resolved to do things we know we'll never do?  Of course we do!  We say we won't but I think subconsciously we all make some type of mental note to be a better functioning member of society.  Or at least to not be as much of an asshole anyway.  For me, it's really best not to make overly grand plans as I'm easily devastated when things don't go my way.  Also, since we bought a house it puts a damper on foolish expenditures -- you have to buy super boring stuff like windows and baseboards.  Yippee.  Nonetheless I think I'll throw some things down in a list just for fun.  Cuz hey, you never know right?  They do say once you write something down you have a better chance of actually doing it. So here's some things I'd like to do in 2008:
  • Master the slow cooker and use it often.  I can imagine few greater things than coming home to a meal hot and ready and prepared as if by magic;
  • Shed some holiday pounds.  Seriously.  I used to be much wee-er than I am now.  I wish to be wee again.
  • The above-mentioned point requires a regimented work-out schedule which should be dead-simple now that we have a kick-ass treadmill upstairs.  So far we haven't managed to hang any shirts on it and I'd like to keep it that way.  With Marc "Workout King" Donato around I can't see that being a problem;
  • Start planning our American holiday with Kelly and Steve;
  • Take one of those crazy last minute "weekend in Europe" trips you see advertised in the Globe and Mail. See as much as you can in 3 days for dirt cheap.  Exhausting but what a story. Alison, that means you too;
  • Spend some quality time with Jocelyne's Stitch and Bitch book.  My knitting skills are falling by the wayside;
  • Read more books and watch less TV;
  • Try to inject some more intellectual activities into my schedule;
  • Have more people over for dinner;
  • Do more couple-y things with Marc and try to be more like a married couple and less like 2 people renovating an old house;
  • Commit to hanging some pictures.  It sounds silly but deciding on where to hang pictures is one of the most stressful things for me to do in our house;
  • Take my nieces to the movies more.  Movies with little kids are really, really fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possibly the most amazing blog that I read all year! dresses with sleeves!?! cheap mobile phone.