So back in October I mentioned that my boss and I got our pictures taken with the Six String Nation guitar at the O.C.F.F conference in London. Well Dennis got the pics today and I thought I'd share them with folks cuz they're fun and we were crazy excited to pose with this amazing instrument. It's been played by everyone you can think of and made up of pieces of Canadian history that took 10 years to collect and it was an honour to be included in its travels. Here is my original post about it:
Getting my picture taken with the Six String Nation guitar and having Jowi Taylor bring it to our Northern Ontario showcase for the artists to play. I'll post the pic when I get it. 5000 people have played this guitar (Gordon Lightfoot included) made up of pieces of Canadian history (wood from a seat at Massey Hall, copper from the Parliament library, gold from Rocket Richard's 1955 stanley cup ring, nickel pellets from Sudbury yay!, wood from the Bluenose, wood from Paul Henderson's hockey stick, wood from Pierre Trudeau's canoe paddle, and many other historic places and people).
Anyway, here are some of the pics from our session. If you ever get the chance to see it please make sure you do. It's a work of art and Jowi Taylor is not only pouring his heart into this project but is also one of the nicest guys you'll meet in this industry. He hosts "Global Village" on CBC Radio, a pretty kick ass world music show. So big thanks to Jowi for kicking us in the butt to get our photo taken. Sorry if we acted like 5th graders on picture day....
Photos: Doug Nicholson/Six String Nation
Great pictures... though, um, are you licking it in that second one??
Also, the dress is adorable. Love love love.
It does look that way...but trust me, in a bigger photo you can clearly see the distance between guitar and mouth. 'Twas merely a mock eating...
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