There's a story in our paper about a teen boy who has recently published a book of his poetry. While I don't want to be a jerk and poopoo all over this boy's book of sappy teen poetry, we all did it, I feel I have to vent about why he gets this news feature. Paying a self-publishing company $400 does not a published author make. Perhaps if this teen had written the great Canadian novel I wouldn't be so hard on him, but quite frankly, it's a book of teenage poetry that is probably best left unpublished. The verses are less like Keats and more like a Fall Out Boy song. Best kept to yourself if not for quality purposes then definitely for the embarrassment factor that's sure to come once this poor boy turns 25 and realizes that perhaps this wasn't the best idea. We all wrote poetry as teens and yes, it was all bad. It's a fact of nature. But let's not call it publishing.
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