Happy spook day to all!! This morning on my way to work I was happy to see that someone had taken the time to decorate the underpass I walk through with chunks of pumpkin from one end to the other. I got to walk on a carpet of pumpkin seeds. So thanks to whoever did that.
On a happier note, during my lunch I loaded up on cheap Halloween decorations (yay for shopping on the day of!) and am all set for the kiddies. I live by an elementary school so this morning I was watching all the parents walking their costumed kids into school -- little girls tripping over their princess costumes and little boys trying to manage both their lightsabres and their backpacks -- so cute it my uterus hurt a wee bit.
This year is the first in a long time that we didn't go out -- we opted for mushy couple time instead. Normally we do it up right and here's a pic from me last year. Our friend Ben is an amazing filmmaker with stop-motion animation and puppetry so he let me raid his special effects supplies and I fashioned myself a pretty sweet gaping neck wound (thanks Bust magazine for the how-to) and threw in some gashed wrists for good measure. I even had gross stringy things dangling out of neck wound and all night people came up to me completely grossed out. I wore my creepy morbid schoolgirl dress (small black and white gingham with a full skirt, white lace collar and eyelet hemline -- thanks strange vintage store from high school)and also made a sad face to help bring it all home. I admit, I done good.

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