Sunday, April 27, 2008

weekend round-up

Ahhh the weekend. Weekends are great. Weekends are still great even when your plans pretty much go to pot. That's pretty much what happened on Friday night. The plan was to go home, eat a nice dinner, chill out for a bit and then go out to catch the Cuff the Duke show at the Townehouse. What ended up happening, was me staying home playing nursemaid to our hopelessly arthritic dog. Poor Bailey -- he's old and Friday was the first full-on rainy day we've had in awhile. As a result, the poor guy seized up to the point where he was laying spread eagle on our front walkway (in the pouring rain no less) unable to stand up or make it up our steps. We rigged up a towel sling contraption and managed to shuffle him into the house where he pretty much flopped onto the floor and stayed there the entire night looking incredibly pathetic. We wrapped him in warm blankets fresh from the dryer, gave him many hip massages, called Gramma to come over to look at him and basically TLC-ed the heck out of him. About 5 hours in the same spot passed and we again towel-lifted him up to go outside, half-carried him back in the house where we managed to actually get his bed under him before he flopped down again where he pretty much stayed until the middle of the night. So yeah, I missed Cuff the Duke but when your puppy needs you, your puppy needs you.

Saturday it was miserable, cold and rainy so we ran a bunch o'errands, watched many episodes of Carnivale and Big Love and ate a supremely deliscious meal of turkey meatballs, penne and spinach. Spinach sauteed in oil and garlic is one of my most favourite things ever. Toss in some cherry tomatoes and you've got yourself a sidedish of perfection. We also had a lovely surprise visit from friends MIke and Tara and their mega-cute baby girl Charlie. Thanks for the visit guys -- I'd be lying if I said I didn't drink the leftover wine myself!!! That is an outstanding way to spend a rainy Saturday.

Sunday I pretty much domestic goddessed myself out. Buckets of laundry, cleaning, craft project, slow-cooking and baking - I did it all (baking post forthcoming). Monday back to work -- sigh.


Unknown said...

Hey Tara,

Sorry to hear about Bailey. I'm not a dog person at all, but I was sitting and petting Bailey on Friday morning when Marc brought him by Books and Beans, and I took a bit of a shine to him (even though he drooled all over my pants). Give him a pat for me, and tell him I hope he feels better.


tara said...

Ah thanks. He talked about you all night long...