Sad news for all tree-huggers out there. Vancouver's Parks Board has voted to cut down Stanley Park's legendary
Hollow Tree, deeming it a safety hazard. The 1000 year old cedar has been dead for years but is a hugely popular tourist stop for anyone who spends even a minute in the park. In all fairness, they did try to save it however engineers deemed that the only way to keep it standing is by creating a "cumbersome girdle of external supports that both the board and tree fans agreed was grotesque." The plans are to keep the pieces on display and to plant a memorial cedar in the last remaining ring of the Hollow Tree. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that tree when they bring it down -- it would be heartbreaking to watch. Here are some pics of the tree today and over the years. If you added them up, I wonder how many photos there are in total of people in this tree just out there in the world...

Not to get all sappy, or punny for that matter, but seeing trees cut down makes me cry. It is like an automatic reflex I have no control over--kind of like having your knee hit with a reflex hammer.
What a beautiful tree. There's something so compelling & fascinating about standing inside of a tree that's been dead & hollowed out for that many years. I guess part of the reason why people want to stand inside of it. To feel like they are part of the larger world & the continuity of life.
I agree with la belette rouge!
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