Weekend round up on a Tuesday? I know, I'm a bad blogger. I don't know what it is but I can't seem to get my head screwed on straight this week. I should be lucky I've managed to make it to work this week. Sheesh...
Anyway it was a great weekend full o'family. My aunt Lorraine and uncle Dail came to town and brought with them the always fun Kaili and LB. I feel like it's been forever since we've seen our Ottawa family so this weekend was long overdue (Liam -- stop fighting it, we'll get our hooks into you yet!!). Not only was the company fun, but houseguests gave me an excuse to buy new bedding for the guestroom! Yay excuses! I scored a great set on sale at Linens n'Things that I really love -- it's got a really big modern floral print on it and I super love it. Poor Kaili and LB, every time they stay in that room it's in varying stages of renovations. At least this time there were proper walls though. That's something. One day, it might actually be completely finished.
We spent the weekend visiting, buying cheese, shopping at Joe Fresh, drinking Marcolinis, cooking, cheating on our regimes and staying up late. Way fun! Despite I'd say we made up for not seeing each other in so long. AND she brought me a great present -- doesn't get better than that.
Saturday was my niece Emily's 3rd birthday so I took her, her 2 sisters, her mom and myself to the theatre to see "Muncha Buncha Munsch" a collection of Robert Munsch plays. It was her first theatre experience and it was beyond cute. She was all wide-eyed when the curtain went up, looking all over at everything on stage, singing along to all the little songs and clapping -- so adorable. I love seeing plays with little kids because you forget how cool all that stuff is when you see it for the first time. Even something small like a set change is seen with awe. I highly recommend it. Below is a picture of Emily (and her mom!) pre-show, clutching her program in her little hands -- so exciting!
And here's a picture of Erin, Elizabeth and Sarah with the "Fart" character from the play. That squished terrified thing in between the girls is Emily. For someone who claimed to be terrified of him, she sure talks about him a lot...

This week, back to the grind that only gets worse with every passing week. We're putting on a big conference at work the weekend of May 9th so this is crunch time. Can you say mega time off this summer? I know I can!!
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