Today began with some panels, the first on greening your event. It was super interesting and made me hopelessly proud of our own Ontario festival, Hillside. Some of the "new" ideas the panel was discussing and some of the challenges they were talking about, Hillside has been doing and fixing them for years. Good on'em!!
I finally fulfilled my SXSW merch order thank god as they were tearing down the set-up moments after we left. T-shirts = done. Next we headed to the Saxon for the Basketball & Insulin party put on by Outside Music, CBC Radio 3 and Exclaim magazine waaaaaaaaay out in the middle of nowhere. Saw a pretty terrible set from 1/3 of the New Zealand band Ruby Suns, an scorching set from Toronto's Sebastien Granger and The Mountain -- holy crap!!! Follow that with some kinda good band called The Big Sleep and the always amazing Sadies. Got to chat with our friends from Starfish Entertainment finally (they had 10 showcases this year!) and drank a couple big beers. Ahhh the south....
After finally hailing a taxi we met our official Texas BBQ quotient at the Ironworks BBQ. So good and based on all the stuff on the walls from famous people, I gather it's a bit of a legend. For me, as soon as I saw the plastic tablecloths and the full rolls of paper towels on each table, I figured we were in for some old school BBQ. We pretty much needed a bath after eating.
From there we headed to the conference center again in the hopes of catching the Lemonheads set as we'd missed them all week but they cancelled AGAIN. What the F Lemonheads??? Why did you bother showcasing if you weren't actually going to showcase???? You kinda suck. We ended up meeting some locals and having a pretty great conversation about music and health care and succeeded in killing a couple of hours not to mention resting our feet.
After our lesson on Austin we walked back to the Parish for the Arts & Crafts party. Caught the end of the Constantines set (which was not the best show I've seen them do by far) and the Jason Collett show. That's when the evening took a turn in my favour. We actually decided to head home relatively early and bailed on the rest of the night. When your eyes are actually closing in a rock and roll bar, you know you're in a bad way.
Tomorrow the conference is over so the plan is for a bit of shopping and not much else. Sleeping in is on my agenda for sure. I don't think I've ever been so happy for something so good to be over, if that makes sense. This festival has been amazing and great and all of that, but I'm wiped and miss my family and am ready to come home. SXSW - 4, Tara -0.
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