Thursday, March 13, 2008

sxsw: day 1

First off, I'm going to start this post by saying it's 1AM and I've been awake for 21 hours. Tired is not a word you can use to describe how I feel. But I'm blogging cuz I'm good!! Anyway, after rising at 4:30Am for our flight after what felt like 2 minutes of sleep we finally make it to Austin. Who's on our flight??? Jenny Lewis!!! Dennis asked me if I wanted to get all up on that and I said no. I did totally want to hang out with her and talk about shoes though. But I digress. No word of a lie, not even 10 minutes after arriving in Texas I inadvertendly put Dennis' passport down in some BBQ sauce. That totally happened.

On first impression, Austin smells like flowers and I love it already. We quickly realize that staying out at the airport is going to suck huge and vow to next year plan ahead and book downtown. We eat dinner at one of those crazy Brazilian steakhouses where they give you a card to turn over when you're ready to eat meat and they bring meat, and more meat, and more meat, and more meat until you flip your card back over signifying that you need a break. It was the best experience ever. Sipes, you would have been so proud. I ate more red meat tonight than I've eaten in the last 10 years. It was delicious.

Onwards to the first of many amazing showcases. First, Dragonette at the Canada Party. I've seen them before and they don't disappoint. Martina Sorbara was on our flight and she is almsot too adorable for words. Later on, great set by Pretty and Nice, AMAZING set by the Von Bondies -- they are going to be hard to beat, and a pretty bad set by Mahjongg. Met a lovely bass player who plays in Hot Little Rocket and we became a wee bit of a pack for the night. Dennis said I flirted but I don't think I know how to do that. The plan originally was to catch The Lemonheads at 1Am but the fact that I was literally falling asleep at a rock and roll club said that maybe we catch their Friday showcase instead. Tonight we also got handed an invite to the Bust magazine party which I totally want to go to. Mainly cuz I'm sure it will be great but secondly cuz Elijah Wood is DJ-ing and come on, who doesn't want to see that and give him a little pat on the head??

Oh Austin, please be gentle. So far you're winning...

Tomorrow hopefully will bring the Lou Reed keynote speech, followed by some Thurston Moore goodness, industry panels and some more mu-zak. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be in a state of mind to post again. I figure it can't be worse than today...

1 comment:

kaili said...

I can't even comment, there's too much to say! I'm on overload at all of the excitement - Debbie Stoller, Lou Reed, Evan Dando, all in the same place!!!!

Tell Elijah Wood he's a douche.