I picked up an advance copy of
Sarah Slean's new record at the radio station last night and had a few good listens to it at work today. If you're into the super flowy, overly poetic, epic sounds of Sarah Slean then this record is for you. I've got a strange relationship with her myself. I bought
Universe in 1998 and part of me longs for the "Me and Jerome" version of Sarah Slean but will still jump up and down whenever I hear "Sweet Ones" off her 2002 release. It's a strange mix as I find she's become more and more of a complete kook. Her live shows are over the top melodramatic, I think she's more than a bit obsessed with photos of herself as there are 10 of them included on her new record, her journal writing is so flowery and descriptive it's almost impossible to read and in person she's a bit of a diva. And yet, I still like her. She's classically trained and it shows, she can incorporate strings into her music like few can, her vocals are right out of a cabaret, and in the case of her music, her poetic writing style is perfectly at home. Not to mention she always gets great people to play on her record -- this time it's Ron Sexsmith, John Southworth and Noah Mintz. She's a bit like your crazy aunt who comes to visit and you find yourself holding on to something upon her approach for fear of being bowled over with cheek kissses, billowy scarves and bracelets. I wish
The Baroness had more of the carnival good time pop tunes she's so good at though -- the record is more than a bit precious without them. Translation: boys will hate this record. Stand out tracks for me are "Get Home" has to be the last one "Looking for Someone" because it's perfect in its imperfections and reminds me the most of early Sarah. It's simple and beautiful and the vocal cracks make you really believe it. Boys will especially hate this song -- it's girly. Reminds me of Ella Fitzgerad's version of "Someone to Watch Over Me."
Oh Sarah, you're nutty with a capitol "nut" but I still love ya. Please stop insisting your personal mail comes addressed to "The Baroness" though....that's why people think you're crazy.
hey, great Slean posting. I love this gal. Guess I'm into epic, flowy, chick tunes. She just really is a talent, non? Shes also super nice. I mean she is giving away a trip to PARIS (a place close to her heart) on her site!If yore reading this..click and vote on my video- youll see what i mean when you click on:
Thanks!! See you in PAREEEE!
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