This weekend was full of stuff just for Tara. The All-Tara weekend. Marc spent the weekend recording an EP with his girl band Jean Wells so I was left to my own devices pretty much the whole weekend. So what did I do with all that uninterrupted girl time you ask?
Friday I did manage to meet up with Marc and we hit the town for our friend Dan's birthday celebration. There were wings and beer and yes, even shots of strange alcohol. We booked the back room of our local bar and basically behaved badly all by ourselves.

Saturday I spent the morning with Marc before he headed off to music land and then met up with our Dogs=Awesome group for puppy fun. Due to a bit of spring melt, I headed home with a Sadie soaking wet from head to paws. With a puppy tired out, I met up with Dennis to see
Watchmen. Now I'm a girl so in terms of the comic history of this movie, it's pretty much a blank for me. Nor do I normally really love these kinds of movies anyway but I liked it fine. Artistically it was gorgeous with every scene looking like a box in a comic strip - seriously pretty kick-ass cinematography and art direction. It did feel about 2 days long though and maybe it wasn't necessary to jam SO many storylines into one movie? I don't know. Like I said, I don't know how vital that stuff was to the integrity of the comic but man, it felt like way too much information. And also way too much wang for me. There's a lot of wang in this movie. A LOT. So less story lines and less wang - that might sum it up for me. And it is worth mentioning that as a girl, the thing about this movie that made me the happiest was
Jeffrey Dean Morgan playing the role of
The Comedian. Other girls like me will know him best from his stellar recurring role as
Denny Duquette on
Grey's Anatomy, back when Grey's Anatomy was an amazing show and you actually gave a crap about what happened to
Izzie Stevens. I'm so happy to see him in something else - and to be so good in something else too! His IMDB page has a pile of future project listed. Yay for Denny Duquette!!
Post movie, what else does a girl do when left unattended? I went shopping and picked up some new jeans etc at
Old Navy and came perilously close to buying an adorable black Calvin Klein dress at
Winners that I don't need at all. Before you applaud my restraint I have to mention that I'm not entirely convinced that I won't go back and buy it this week. Spent the rest of the night not eating dinner but instead eating popcorn and fighting to stay awake long enough to see
Ray Lamontagne on
SNL. It was so worth the effort. If only he would smile.
Click here to see him playing "You Are The Best Thing" off his new album and "Trouble," the killer title track from that record.
Sunday, I shopped again. This time swinging by
Zellers just to look at the kids toys but instead I left with like 3 super cute tops, a great skinny yellow patent leather belt for $4.99 and the best pair of trouser jeans I've tried on anywhere. I was so pleasantly surprised! At Zellers! Whoodda thunk it? Spent the rest of the day at my bro's house with the family for a dinner in honour of my niece Elizabeth's birthday and headed home to watch Big Love in my jammies and pretty much collapse into bed exhausted for really no reason at all. What's up with that? Stupid time change....
Zellers huh? You were right about Hart, so I'll have to take your word for it and go get some "skinny" clothes after this baby ordeal!
are the trouser jeans from zellers that 'massimo' brand?? if so, i bought the same ones at target last weekend (and resisted buying any orla kitchen stuff...sigh).
No I think they're some loser brand like Wyld Thyng or something equally stupid. And don't talk to me about being able to shop at Target with all their new fun great stuff....
consider me a resource!! i found a target only 10-15 minutes away. consider me your personal shopper if you are dying for something. i plan on making semi-regular trips there now that i know the 'house brand' of foodstuff (archer farms) sells dill pickle cashews.
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