my name is tara and i'm a northern girl. i've got a new baby, a lovely husband, fond memories of an old dog and my hands full with a new one, and a big creaky old house. things are good where i live.
This song is from a band that has flown completely under my radar for years and years apparently. Now I must find everything they've ever done based solely on the gooditude and greatnessness of this song.
Yo!!!! Who knew you had a blog. SCHWEET!!
How did you find me????
Kelly commented on your Wall on facebook and mentioned a blog...and then I checked your profile more carefully and BLAMMO! There you were . :D
Awww, thanks Ms Tara. We're a pretty swell couple, it's true. How is it even possible that it's been 10 years since we got together? Holy crap.
Oh and yeah, our wedding dancing was tons of fun. Even though I couldn't seem to keep my dress up, but we won't talk about that part.
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