Happy Happiest Day of the Year!!! It's Record Store Day and we must not let it pass unnoticed! I'm in the big bad city of Toronto today and am pretty friggin happy that my trip coincides with RSD as I can finally make my way over to Criminal Records to stock up on supplies in honour of the day. Please do the same by stepping out of Future Shop and into your local record shop and spend some money. Back in Sudbury, make a point to swing by Cosmic Dave's Vinyl Emporium for some must-have's. I know he's got stuff that I must have. Like the new Sadies/John Doe record......
God, I love Criminal. What time were you there? We were there about 11:30, before heading over to Rotate and then up to Sonic Boom... kept hoping we would somehow run into you along the way.
Anyway, happy RSD! We are poor but happy and got tons and tons of great stuff. Plus we won the biggest Jason Collett poster in the whole world. I was thinking of tacking it up on the ceiling over my bed but Steve seems unconvinced.
Dude we asked for you at the desk and we missed you by less than an hour!!!!! We won a giant Grinderman poster that I have no idea what to do with!! Likely the laundry room...
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