my name is tara and i'm a northern girl. i've got a new baby, a lovely husband, fond memories of an old dog and my hands full with a new one, and a big creaky old house. things are good where i live.
This song is from a band that has flown completely under my radar for years and years apparently. Now I must find everything they've ever done based solely on the gooditude and greatnessness of this song.
After a few months of constant searching and looking, I'm either missing the stock of Panko breadcrumbs entirely or nobody in my town carries them. I suspect the latter. Sometimes I hate living in a town that deprives me of proper breadcrumbs.
It's ok - I live in a city that doesn't sell bran that you can bake with. Only option - substitute with wheatgerm. It's much heavier.
you poor thing!! pork breaded panko cooked in a cast iron skillet is just about the best thing in the history of food.
sudbury needs a chinatown!!
panko is available at A&P in the Southridge Mall... i just saw it the other day in the fish department...
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