Really??? These are what teams of experts and "top secret research" have decided on? That is truly unfortunate. The deal is that Sumi, Quatchi and Miga are supposed to appeal to children all over the world while portraying ancient legends, modern trends and portraying the values and essence of the 2010 games. To me, these look like creatures from a Webkinz game or an avatar in one of those bad games they give away in cereal boxes. Miga is supposed to be a snowboarding sea-bear. What the frig is a sea-bear??? And Sumi looks a bit too much like the turtle king character from Super Mario Brothers. And don't even get me started on the lovable but shy sasquatch with the tattoo. I have to say, I don't like these at all. There's even a sidekick to these 3 mascots. Cuz 3 mascots isn't enough you feel you should add another one? Why not make a dozen that way you'll make even more money cuz you'll have 12 different stuffed animals to sell in the gift shop. I don't know guys....I get you're trying to tap into the youth market with your hip anime-like characters but I just think it's cheesy and think they could have done something a bit classier. These poor guys just look like a big mess of symbolism. Perhaps less is more...
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