Oh weekend, how I la la love thee...
Saturday brought a day o'nature as we started out with a lovely wee little hike at the conservation area with pal Richard and his wee girls. Sadie of course did us proud by finding the muddiest, boggiest bog to run through at full speed, ending in a lake bath with Marco.

We spent the rest of the day out at Beaver Lake at our friend Ben's family place and although the weather didn't cooperate (what else is new really?), we still managed to have a lovely time. The lake did cooperate though and provided us with a picturesque post-dinner mist for us all to enjoy.

Sunday we kicked off the morning with kind of a lack-lustre puppy party which was kinda too bad for everyone who missed it but worked out pretty damn great for the 3 puppies that did attend. Post dog party we met up with
Big City Kelly for lunch thanks to a surprise visit from our favourite gal! And we blame the rare appearance of the sun for giving us an excuse to drink far too many sunny summer cocktails on a patio on a Sunday afternoon. After all that, I somehow managed to get myself over to my parents' house for a family dinner, sort of a belated birthday dinner for Marc. Then home in time for
True Blood (eeek for the Sookie/Eric fantasy scene!!!!)
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