Here's a shot of the boobie cake, Marc's giggly reaction, and Sadie's clear admiration of Lisa's baking skills.
Saturday the plan was to pack a picnic and head to Carter's Bay on Manitoulin Island (as I've said many times, Carter's Bay is my favourite place in the whole world) but we awoke to yet another weekend of rain so those plans go into the "until next time" jar I'm afraid. Instead we lolled around the house a bit then headed out to the Conservation Area for a nice hike with Sadie. From there I took Marc to see Bruno cuz he felt like giggling (which he did) and then out for a nice birthday dinner at Respect. Post-dinner we hauled our full bellies over to our friends' place for a welcome home party for our friend Alison who just returned from 3 weeks in Hawaii.
Sunday, as a result of the festivities Friday and Saturday night, we pretty much did as little as humanly possible. We moved very slowly. We said very little. We wore loungey clothes. I threw some chicken in the slow-cooker for pulled chicken sammiches at dinner and that might have been the best decision I made all day.
1 comment:
Ha ha! And here I thought it was Marco's birthday party with a Hawaiian theme!
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