Monday, August 31, 2009
Oh man, this Mackage sale over on Hautelook is making me want to do real bad things to my credit cards. Read bad things.....

weekend round-up
Friday Friday do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Headed out to my brother's place for a family Wii party. And did we ever Wii!! Marc and I don't have a video game system so it's always fun (and still a novelty) to spend an entire evening playing silly games. And I gotta say, the Wii canoeing kicked my butt! It's so hard!! Of course as soon as I started playing I started giggling which likely didn't help my game any. But fun nonetheless.
Saturday guess what?? We had one of THE most miserable days yet. Freezing cold, rain and wind. Awesome. As a result, we hid from it all at the movies with our friend Dennis (full movie reviews were posted earlier) and ate snacks. Post-movies we picked up my folks and went for a comfort food dinner at Ripe and headed home to finish off our season of Dexter.
Sunday we woke up and almost almost put on a fire in our fireplace. In August. It was sad. Thankfully it warmed up eventually and I was able to at least hang out some laundry and meet up with a friend to run the puppies. In the sun no less!!! Wha??? Off to return Dexter and pick up the 2nd season of Mad Men and home to one of Marc's top meals ever. Perfectly cooked and encrusted rib roast, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots, roasted shallots and lovely sauteed red and white swiss chard. Seriously, best meal ever. If only there had been brownies. Oh wait, I was too lazy to make any! I did make hot chocolate from scratch though so that's gotta count for something. I even threw in some Fireball for good measure. chocolate and cinnamon booze.....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
(500) days of summer

First things first, this movie is certainly not going to do anything to lessen the world's crush on Zooey Deschanel. She is AH-DOOR-AH-BULL in this movie. Adorable and stunningly beautiful. Not to mention her insane wardrobe. I fear I missed most of the movie as I was mesmerized by all her amazing dresses and blouses. Dressed entirely from Anthropologie or Modcloths to be sure. Although I will say (HERE IS A SPOILER!!!) whoever picked the ring she wears at the end of the movie failed miserably. She spends the entire movie in these amazing vintage-style clothes and they give her a run of the mill People's jewelers engagement ring? It was horrible. Big....but just ugly.
And for the ladies? If you don't leave this film with a mad schoolgirl crush on Joseph Gordon Levitt well then I just don't even know. If I had a Freebie Five, he would be at the top of the list 100%.
Even with all the love I have for this movie though, I fully admit that it has quite possibly the worst closing line in the history of movies. Ugh.......corny with a capital CORN.
But most of all, this movie is about love. And not a lovestory, just about love and fate and destiny. Me, I'm a huge believer in love and probably even fate and destiny. And not just because I'm a happily married woman. But because I'm generally in disbelief of anyone who doesn't believe in love.
I absolutely believe that two people can love only each other and stay in love for their entire lives together. Why wouldn't you want to believe in that? It's a great concept. But I also believe that that doesn't have to be the case for everyone and shouldn't necessarily be something everyone should strive for.
I believe that the feelings of love and everything that goes with it are what keep you coming back for more even if you lose it.
I believe that some people really are destined to be with just one person and others are meant to experience multiple loves in their lives. And who's to say who's the luckier person really? Not me. And why wouldn't you want to believe in that too? Some people think it's impossible for 2 people to expect to be in love forever. And I agree with that - it's not something you should expect. We can hope for it and work for it and try our hardest. But sometimes that's not how it happens. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen and losing it once shouldn't mean you write it off forever. I can't imagine living my life thinking that love should be something you limit because one time it didn't work out in your favour.
I think a person should have as many great loves as their heart can handle. And if your heart only has room for one, well then that's fine too. Just don't spend your life thinking it has to be just one way.
inglorious basterds

Where to start? First off, let's just say I didn't hate it. In fact, there were parts of it I quite liked. Like, a lot. But those parts didn't come until the last quarter of the movie. About a quarter of the way into the movie it lost me completely. COMPLETELY. I was so bored I was starting to wish I'd left with the people who did 10 minutes into the movie. The first part of this movie is chalked full of your standard extraneous Tarantino scenes that are loaded full of useless dialogue that succeed only in reminding us how much Tarantino himself knows about obscure German films.......any obscure films really. I swear to God, during most of those scenes the actor's face would blur away and Quentin's big giant head would appear yammering away about something that has nothing to do with anything. There's a director putting his stamp on a movie and then there's what Quentin does - insert himself directly into his movies.
The good things? It was gorgeous to watch. All dark and noir-y......just lovely. The best thing? Christopher Waltz. He is SO amazing in his bad guy role you find yourself wanting more and more of him. The press about this being Brad Pitt's latest success? Forget it! Yeah he's pretty good too but rarely have I seen a movie get so stolen by one actor. It's all about Waltz. Just brilliant. Also great? The gore. Tarantino can certainly do gore and make it look real. More great? The soundtrack - chock full of Ennio Morricone and some strange pop choices. Well done...
All in all, I did like it. Will I see it again ever? Likely not. Was it about 45 minutes too long? Of course it was. But with a Tarantino film that's pretty much a given...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hot Bunny Radio Playlist for August 27th
* denotes Canadian talent
italics denotes a new release
- The Rural Alberta Advantage -- Luciana -- Hometowns *
- Joel Plaskett Emergency -- Weight It Down -- In Need of Medical Attention *
- Camera Obscura - Hey Lloyd I'm Ready to be Heartbroken -- Let's Get Out of This Country
- REM -- So. Central Rain -- Reckoning (VINYL)
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds -- Babe, You Turn Me On -- The Lyre of Orpheus
- Ray Lamontagne -- You Are The Best Thing -- Gossip in the Grain
- The Beach Boys -- Fun, Fun, Fun -- Live in Concert (VINYL)
- The Paper Cranes -- Chivalry's Dead -- Chivalry's Dead *
- Bright Eyes -- Papa Was A Rodeo -- Score! 20 Years of Merge Records
- Thee Headcoatees -- Meet Jacqueline -- Girlsville
- The Antlers -- Thirteen -- Hospice
- Feist -- My Moon, My Man -- The Reminder *
- Kip Tyler -- She's My Witch -- It Seems So Funny To Me comp
- Zeus -- Marching Through Your Head -- Sounds Like Zeus *
- Willie Nelson -- Hands on the Wheel -- Red Headed Stranger (VINYL)
- Amy Millan -- Old Perfume -- Masters of the Burial *
- Kimya Dawson -- Everything's Alright -- I'm Sorry That Sometimes I'm Mean
- Damian Jurado -- Best Dress -- Caught in the Trees (VINYL)
- David Bowie -- Cat People (Putting Out the Fire) -- Inglorious Basterds OSR
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs -- Runaway -- It's Blitz!
- Hall & Oates -- You Make My Dreams -- (500) Days of Summer OSR
- Iron Maiden -- Run to the Hills - Number of the Beast
- Fox Jaws -- Dirty Floors -- At Odds *
- The Weakerthans -- Confessions of a Futon-Revolutionist - Fallow *
- The Wooden Sky -- Call Me If You Need Me -- If I Don't Come Home You'll Know I'm Gone *
- Social Distortion -- Reach For the Sky -- Sex, Love and Rock n'Roll
- Amelia Curran -- Ah, Me -- Hunter Hunter *
- Regina Spektor -- One More Time With Feeling -- Far
- Ohbijou -- Eloise and the Bones -- Beacons *
- The Flaming Lips -- Thank You Jack White For the Fibre Optic Jesus That You Gave Me -- 7 inch
- feeling a bit uninspired tonight - too much greatness last week maybe?
- when you feel uninspired you play your faves - enter Camera Obscura and "Hey Lloyd..."
- The REM you were SUPPOSED to get last week;
- My fave Nick Cave song - cuz it's amazing AND has the word "panties" in it;
- ...AND cuz he makes an explosion noise with his mouth near the end;
- I want to be dancing in the front row at a concert where somebody is playing this Ray Lamontagne song just for me cuz it's about me;
- Live Beach Boys on vinyl? That's inspiring. It's helping;
- There's the Bright Eyes cover I mentioned on last week's show;
- Zeus - also known as the people usually standing behind Jason Collett;
- New Amy Millan?? Thank F-ing god!! AND she does an old Weeping Tile song?? Swoon!!!
- Man, that Kimya Dawson song makes me happy. Which, I might add, we've been playing here at HBR ages before "Juno" came out. We're so ahead of our time....;
- The Hall & Oates for my friend Mike who never gets to hear the show. He listened and told me to knock his socks off;
- But then I played the Iron Maiden to make up for it;
- The Wooden Sky = very interesting new stuff for us at HBR;
- New Amelia Curran - oh man, I'm happy. It's her voice, it's so old school soothing and belongs around a campfire. Let's find her and be her friend;
Monday, August 24, 2009
weekend round-up
Man. I feel like every Weekend Round-Up post this summer has consisted of "oh it rained, hey look it rained again, this weekend it rained so we cancelled our plans, rain, rain, RAIN!!!" and in between all that rain we make some yummy food. So I guess the rain isn't all bad if it means we're stuck inside making yummy food.
This weekend really wasn't any different. It rained Friday and Saturday and we were dog-sitting Sadie's boyfriend Murray so we knew we were in for a weekend at home. So Friday we ran some errands to prep for a weekend in and rented season 3 of Dexter. Ate some crazy delicious homemade cheeseburgers with maple bacon and some sauteed bok choy on the side, vegged out for a bit and then - get this- we set up our laptop on a table in the bathroom and watched Dexter and ate snacks from the tub. It kicked ass. Like the epitome of laziness really.
Saturday, pretty much more of the same - Marc made pancakes, we went out and picked up some frames for some of Marc's old photographs, came home and pretty much ate Friday night's supper all over again.
Sunday the weather looked like it might get nice but it really didn't. We cooked up dinner in the slowcooker and I successfully tamed our yard chipmunk, something I've been trying to do all summer. Had some fun with him and so here's a video.
He leaves but comes back at the 4:10 mark and gets all up in my herb garden.
Friday, August 21, 2009
a prairie home companion
This is what I'm watching tonight and I haven't seen it since I saw it in the theatre. Robert Altman was really one of my favourites and this film is like 2 hours of down-home good times.
And seriously, how great were Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly? I'll give you my moonshine if you show me your jugs. Classic...
And let's also give credit to poor Lindsay for this one who not only did a great job but also showed us what a killer voice she actually has. Man, what a waste. That voice has some great old school rasp to it.
away we go

He was wrong. SO wrong.
This movie is sweet and hopeful, heartbreakingly sad at points and side-splittingly funny at others. It's a really, really lovely film.
It's Sam Mendes so of course it's perfectly lit and shot but aside from that, the spectacular cast really made this really simple story leap to life. Allison Janney plays one of the funniest roles I've seen her in since she did Drop Dead Gorgeous (another highly underrated comedy) and I am always happy to see Melanie Lynskey in anything (Heavenly Creatures right? Brilliant!). She did a wordless scene that brought tears to my eyes and made my heart hurt.
This movie made me happy I go to sleep next to somebody at night.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you this movie is bad. It is just lovely lovely lovely.
day of kelly!!!!

Happy Birthday to my favourite Kelly! Even in high school, she could rock like no other.
You're the bestest!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hot Bunny Radio Playlist for August 20th
CKLU 96.7 FM
* denotes Canadian talent
italics denotes new release
Tomorrow is Big City Kelly's birthday and since she's my favourite, she gets tons of music tonight...
- Jason Collett -- Nothing to Lose -- Here's to Being Here *
- The Kinks -- A Well Respected Man -- Greatest Hits (VINYL)
- The Queers -- Sidewalk Surfin' Girl -- Don't Back Down *
- The Replacements -- Colour Me Impressed -- Hootenanny
- Neko Case -- This Tornado Loves You -- Middle Cyclone (VINYL)
- Rancid -- That's Just the Way it is Now -- Let the Dominoes Fall
- Dressy Bessy -- Who'd Stop the Rain -- Electrified
- Patsy Cline -- Foolin' Around -- The Patsy Cline Story (VINYL)
- Echo & the Bunnymen -- Bring on the Dancing Horses -- Songs to Learn and SIng
- REM -- Camera -- Reckoning (VINYL)
- Holly Golightly & the Brokeoffs -- For All This -- Dirt Don't Hurt
- David Bowie -- Moonage Daydream -- Ziggy Stardust (VINYL)
- Billy Bragg -- Strange Things Happen -- Back to Basics
- Saturday Looks Good To Me -- Underwater -- All Your Summer Songs
- Johnny Thunders -- London Boys -- So Alone
- Elvis Costello -- Miracle Man -- My Aim is True (VINYL)
- The Knickerbockers -- Lies -- Quivers Down the Backbone comp
- Phoenix -- Lasso -- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
- Big Star -- September Gurls -- #1 Record/ Radio City
- The Jam -- Billy Hunt -- All Mod Cons
- Maow -- How Does That Grab You -- THe Unforgiving Sounds of... *
- Two Hours Traffic -- Territory -- Territory *
- Hank Williams -- Lovesick Blues -- The Very Best of Hank Williams (VINYL)
- Kelly Hogan & the Pine Valley Cosmonauts -- Papa Was A Rodeo -- Beneath the Country Underdog
- Simon & Garfunkel -- Sounds of Silence -- Sounds of Silence (VINYL)
- Ronnie Spector -- Don't Worry Baby -- She Talks to Rainbows
- John Doe & the Sadies -- Husbands and Wives -- Country Club (VINYL)
- Wanda Jackson -- Making Believe -- It Seems So Funny To Me comp
- Social Distortion -- I Was Wrong -- Live Heat (VINYL)
- Plumtree -- Open the Window -- Mass Teen Fainting *
- Gordon Lightfoot -- If You Could Read My Mind -- Gord's Gold (VINYL) *
- Wilco & Billy Bragg -- California Stars -- Mermaid Avenue
- Otis Redding -- These Arms of Mine -- Live in Europe (VINYL)
- Stiff Little Fingers -- State of Emergency -- Inflammable Material
- Dave Clark Five -- Glad All Over -- 45 (VINYL)
- Cuz nobody's swoons over Jason Collett like Big City Kelly;
- Not that Big City Kelly is a well respected MAN or anything...
- Cuz when I think of Big City Kelly, well colour ME impressed!
- maybe not Big City Kelly's favourite Billy Bragg song but it's certainly MINE. "Our love is so strong it moves objects in our house." Best. Lyric. Ever.
- I honestly don't know how Big City Kelly feels about Johnny Thunders but come on right?? What's not to love?? She must love...
- Wondering why I have 2 copies of My Aim is True on vinyl.....
- Again, dont' know how Big City Kelly feels about Phoenix but given her excellent taste I assume she must love the new record just like I do...
- Lovesick Blues -- one of MY all-time favourite songs. Desert island track doesn't even describe it...
- Seriously, Big City Kelly and I were THE youngest people at the Simon & Garfunkel show we saw....SO worth it.
- Big City Kelly, the only other person I know who gets weepy listening to If You Could Read My Mind;
- California Stars, one of my favourite songs off one of my all-time favourite records;
- Oh Otis........
- No 45 Death Match tonight cuz for Big City Kelly, nobody EVER beats the Dave Clark Five!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
more grills

In the continued grilly spirit, here's an awful cool one. The Cobb grill - small, made to be easily carted around, and yet super powerful AND very versatile! Named the 2001 Invention of the Year by Time Magazine too! And let's not even talk about how cute it is..
It only uses 8-10 briquettes (awesome!!) and it can roast, smoke AND bake! And it has something fancy called a "moat" that lets you cook vegetables at a cooler temperature while you cook everything else! The outside stays cool and the inside can reach up to 500 degrees Farenheit, all while consuming less fuel and insulating as a way of fire prevention.
So now that you love this grill get ready for this -- it's only $159.95!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
chocolate mousse with olive oil and sea salt

weekend round-up
Oh weekend, how I la la love thee...
Saturday brought a day o'nature as we started out with a lovely wee little hike at the conservation area with pal Richard and his wee girls. Sadie of course did us proud by finding the muddiest, boggiest bog to run through at full speed, ending in a lake bath with Marco.

We spent the rest of the day out at Beaver Lake at our friend Ben's family place and although the weather didn't cooperate (what else is new really?), we still managed to have a lovely time. The lake did cooperate though and provided us with a picturesque post-dinner mist for us all to enjoy.

Friday, August 14, 2009
strawberries in bruleed marshmallow cream

*via Furey and the Feast*
Thursday, August 13, 2009
wedding loveliness

Hot Bunny Radio Playlist for August 13th
* denotes Canadian talent
italics denotes a new release
- The Smiths -- Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want -- (500) Days of Summer OSR
- Doves -- There Goes the Fear -- (500) Days of Summer OSR
- Joel Plaskett Emergency -- Nothing More to Say -- Ashtray Rock *
- Big Star -- My Life is Right -- #1 Record
- Zeus -- I Know -- Sounds Like Zeus *
- Au Revoir Simone -- Organized Scenery -- Still Night, Still Light
- Michelle Shocked -- Steppin' Out -- The Texas Campfire Tapes (VINYL)
- Spoon -- Well Alright -- Dark Was the Night
- Reverie Sound Revue -- An Anniversary Away -- Reverie Sound Revue *
- Radiohead -- Thinking About You -- Pablo Honey (VINYL)
- Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton -- Our Hell -- Knives Don't Have Your Back *
- The Rural Alberta Advantage -- Don't Haunt This Place -- Hometowns *
- Lou Reed -- Street Hassle -- Rock and Roll Diary (VINYL)
- The Wind Whistles -- House for a Mouse -- Animals are People Too *
- The Band -- Ophelia -- Best of the Band
- The Jam -- Ghosts -- The Gift
- Frank Black & the Catholics -- Black Letter Days -- Black Letter Days
- The Got To Get Got -- Peyton and Perry -- Sahalee *
- Chris Velan -- I'm In, Come In -- Solidago
- Smoking Popes -- Need You Around -- Born to Quit
- The Danks -- What's the Rush? -- Are You Afraid of the Danks
- Violent Femmes -- Good Feeling -- Violent Femmes
- Dancehall Free For All -- Danny Knows -- 9-5 Lives *
- Wilco -- Country Disappeared -- Wilco (the album) (VINYL)
- Nathan Lawr -- Suitcase on the Lawn -- Secret Carpentry *
- Rancid -- I Ain't Worried -- Let the Dominoes Fall
- The Rovers -- Wasn't That a Party - 45 (VINYL)
- MC5 -- Ramblin' Rose -- Kick Out the Jams
- Jenny Lewis -- Acid Tongue -- Acid Tongue (VINYL)
- I really really do think that "Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want" might be one of my all-time favourite songs. I had a boyfriend who used to sing it to me in the loveliest voice. But that's not why it's my favourite. In fact, I'm surprised that hasn't ruined it for me....;
- Some Joel Plaskett dedicated to Lisa in honour of her kick-ass booby birthday cake;
- Zeus is made up of the folks that backup Jason Collet. Nicely done;
- The Spoon track on Dark Was the Night = FUNNEST SONG EVER!!!!!!
- Man, haven't listened to that Radiohead song in about 6 years. Used to level me;
- Yup, this R.A.A record is growing on me like a wonderful wonderful fungus!
- Happy belated birthday to Marco. Here is our annual birthday playing of all 11 minutes of "Street Hassle" just for him;
- Opheeeeeeeeelia! Where have you gone? I F-ing love that song!!!
- Still diggin this Got To Get Got record.....
- Smoking classic. Love that track;
- The Danks - again loving a track despite hating the band name;
- Man, does that Violent Femmes track ever take me back....
- Blech...that Dancehall track was just awful. Mental note, ignore disc in future;
- Dear Mike Ness: I would NEVER leave before you;
- The Rovers - tonight's HUGE winner in the 45 Death Match, trampling Gary Pucket and the Union Gap. Must have been the 3 or 4 six packs that did it....sorry Gary!
- Dear MC5: I think I would like to be part of the solution please.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
baby donkey
apartment swapping

I'm so in love with the idea of apartment swapping as a vacation shake-up! First off though, I'd need to live somewhere that people would actually want to swap to.
For example, I doubt this guy in Florence would trade his preferred Manhattan swap for my Sudbury one.
My best bet would be swapping with Big City Kelly really. But then, I wouldn't actually get to see her so where would the fun be in that?
But if anyone out there is up for a bit of Northern Ontario wilderness I'm your gal! I'll go just about anywhere!
flow kitchen
This is Studio Gorm's Flow Kitchen. Designed to be uber-efficient and totally integrated this kitchen certainly takes conservation to the next level!
The water that drips down from the drying dishes, drips right into you herb garden growing in the little planters below. The counter has a built in waste bowl that you can then use to dump the scraps into your worm bin composter underneath the counter. You can then use the wormified compost on your herb garden! The condensation from the fridge box can be used to keep the butter cool but spreadable!
So cool....

The water that drips down from the drying dishes, drips right into you herb garden growing in the little planters below. The counter has a built in waste bowl that you can then use to dump the scraps into your worm bin composter underneath the counter. You can then use the wormified compost on your herb garden! The condensation from the fridge box can be used to keep the butter cool but spreadable!
So cool....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
kate spade for fall
I know I drool over clothes a lot. I don't deny it. That said, I cannot recall the last time I've seen a collection of clothes that I've liked this much. Kate Spade's entire debut collection for fall is utter perfection. That trench coat and that shirt dress? PERFECTION!!

clocktower apartment
Swoon! Have you seen the Clocktower Apartment tour over on Apartment Therapy? Droolworthy to be sure! Although a bit more modern than I like, if it meant having 4 14 foot clocktower windows in my Brooklyn place, I'd splurge on the $25 million price tag. And it's got a central glass elevator. Which is just handy for.... you know... bringing laundry upstairs and stuff?

days of wine and tara
Got some bummy news today. The LCBO is telling me that my new favourite imported Italian plum liqueur, Prugna Mandorlata is now discontinued! I'm deeply saddened by this news as it had carved itself out a nice little niche in my sippy booze loving heart.
Here's hoping someone somewhere will still carry it!!
I can't put my finger on it but bottom line is that this picture is weird somehow...
Monday, August 10, 2009
delicious drink
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