Obviously we cottaged so not a whole lot to write about except we made our delicious pulled pork sammiches, whipped up a batch of our Arrested Development style frozen bananas, I made my way through piles of trashy summer reading (thank you to the Urse!!!!), slept in, saw bunnies, drank drinks and all your standard cottagey things. All beyond the reach of cell phone service and internet which was kinda awesome to be honest.
Took some pics of our adorable century home we stayed in along with some of the killer antiques that captured my fancy.
Here's the cottage pool where the kids pretty much spent every second it wasn't raining.

Here's the pretty pretty century cottage.
Given my penchant for antique oil paintings lately, this one almost ended up in my trunk;
This is the main room with the exposed beams etc.

Here's Sadie who I'm pretty sure, never wanted to come home.
Main room view from the kitchen;
The desk upstairs that I think is pretty much perfection;
This was the floor lamp in our bedroom. And there was a matching table lamp in the basement not being used!! Wha???

Another adorable shabby-chic oil painting;

This lamp was part of a set. And I pretty much thought it was the best thing ever. And it would go brilliantly with my camel lamp I have that nobody loves but me.
We celebrated my Dad's 64th birthday while we were there and I made Nigella Lawson's chocolate honey cake for the occasion. Then my Dad murdered it.
So that was about it in a cottagey nutshell!!!!
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