Here's the always adorable Ryan and Dan Levecque wowing everyone with their awesomeness.

The equally enjoyable Lisa getting a hug from the impossibly hip Sam (he was sporting a Johnny Cash tee).
My now annual photo of pretty Sophie.
Dan and Sam, old school.
Pals Matt and Lauren, being all adorable and coupley.
Joel Plaskett and Peter Elkas looking eerily like Hall & Oates. They rocked.

Escaping from the festival grounds to grab dinner at the Italian festival!!
More Peter and Joel...
And now just Joel!!
Hey look! More Ryan!!!
Here's the full Ryan band.

Just Dan with his guitar, the source of all my guitar envy!

See? Sam is impossibly hip.
I kinda got weary of taking pics after Saturday afternoon so there's no pics of the super adorable Jenn Grant or of Hawksley Workman (who gave a less than inspiring set anyway so we'll call it even). But I posted pics of them last year anyway - they still look the same.
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