...to love him any more than you already do BUT Lainey posted a great story about my galacticrush Johnny Depp today:
"Public Enemies premiered in London earlier this week…and while in town, Johnny Depp dropped in by surprise in full Captain Jack Sparrow costume to visit the sick kids at Great Ormond Street Hospital where his daughter Lily-Rose was treated a couple of years ago.
He spent time in several wards, chatted up the children, and posed for photos… no paps in sight."
Honestly, I dunno what more you want in a celebrity galacticrush. He even owns an island. Here's a preview so you can start picking fabric swatches...
1 comment:
Hi! I found your blog through La Belette Rouge and just wanted to say hi. I'm Tara also, and rarely meet anyone else with my name. It's a nice little club, no?
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