My weekend started early this week as I took Thursday and Friday off. I spent those glorious days trying to make sense of my house after the blurry week of Cinefest. Countless loads of laundry, house cleaning and tidying ate up most of those days along with a couple great walks to the lake in the amazing sunshine. Thursday did mark my return to Hot Bunny Radio though after a nice long summer break. I'll post my full playlist later this week so stay tuned for that. I haven't taken more than a few weeks off here and there in almost 7 years. I figured I was due.
Friday Marc and I made a super delicious dinner of lime and peanut noodles with broccoli and snap-peas and springrolls. So delicious!! It was great to cook together after what has seemed like weeks of eating like teenagers.

Saturday Marc put me in the car and took me out for a lovely walk at A.Y. Jackson falls just outside of town. It was a glorious summer day and we sat on the rocks and had a lovely couple-y chat about all kinds o'stuff, listened to the water, and soaked in all the sun we can. Saturday night on to birthday festivities for Lisa!!!! Happy Birthday Lisa!!!!! We busted out late night cannolis to celebrate everyone's favourite party guest.

Sunday started off to be just the coldest and most miserable fall day ever but thankfully turned sunny and lovely mid-morning. We had an early morning walk with the parentals followed by breakfast out and then went home and whipped up some great spinach and ricotta canneloni for dinner at their place later on with the whole family. It was a pretty great weekend all round and I could deal with another just like it.
OK, I'm really glad it's just that you took a break from HBR for the summer. After you mentioned your show last week, I realized you hadn't posted a playlist in forever, and was going to make a formal request for its comeback. I'm glad to hear it was just hiding for awhile. I like knowing what you're listening to, it gives me a good excuse to buy new stuff. Steve can never argue with "well Tara really loves it..."
It's a fair argument and he should know better. Stand by for playlist posting....
could you please post this yummy sounding meal of lime/peanut noodles?? or facebook it to me? thanks!
Done and done!!!!
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