Saturday we got to squeeze in a viewing of Bill Maher's documentary Religulous which was so worth it. Basically a documentary focussing on the questions "Can we be good without god?" "Is religion a calling or a mental illness?" "Were Jesus, Moses and Mohammed prophets and visionaries or crackpot nut cases who today would be put away?" "Is religion an obsessive-compulsive disorder?" It was hilariously funny and scary and a great way to spend the afternoon. If you can't laugh at religion, what can you laugh at?
Spent the rest of the night at our annual big, giant, super cool party we throw during the festival that translated to a bedtime just shy of 4AM and a wake up call of 9:30AM. Saturday kicked my ass followed by a Sunday asskicking as well. Well played Cinefest....well played. Somehow we managed to drag our sorry butts to a movie Sunday afternoon that I think we all napped through. A U.K film called A Deal is a Deal that really had its work cut out for it. Fed up with city life and driving tube trains Paul Callow longs to commune with nature and novels, but that's easier dreamt than done. The trauma of having two people fall under his train in as many weeks does little to impove his mood, until he hears the 'Three And Out' rule: three fatal accidents in a month qualifies you for early retirement with 10 year's salary - as a lump sum! All he needs now is to find his third 'victim' and make a deal.

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