Well Friday was a not so subtle reminder that I should not pig out in such epic proportions. We headed for Indian buffet after work with Dennis and, with Indian food being my favourite, I went overboard and spent the rest of the night paying for it. Why is being so full that you're in physical pain a feeling that you never remember until it's too late??? Add to that feeling me being the most exhausted girl ever and I hurt. I hurt bad.
Saturday was our teary goodbye with Cobe, our puppy for the week. He was a sweetheart and I was legitimately sad to see him go. I hope his foster parents either decide to keep him or that he finds a great family. He's not the right dog for us but really only by a tiny margin. I took a pile of pictures of him and will post them soon I promise. He's not a handsome dog at first glance but man, does he ever grow on you. He's overflowing with character and that more than makes up for his skinny legs, long face and tufty fur. My grandfather said he was happy we didn't decide to adopt him because he thought Cobe was "homely" to which I took great offense. I thought he was nerdy looking and therefore adorable.

Saturday night was the start of our annual hell-week and the reason why I'll likely be a bag blogger this week. Sudbury's annual international film festival Cinefest started Saturday with the opening gala party. It's the 4th largest film festival in Canada and basically means we spend the week schmoozing, eating solely hors d'oeuvres and movie theatre food, taking meetings (we work with producers who want to shoot here in Northern Ontario), staying out far too late and throwing a big party ourselves on the last Saturday. It's a busy week and I'll likely be paying for it next week in the form of some type of cold or flu. So Saturday we got all gussied up in cocktail party garb and kicked the week off in style.
Sunday I slept for what felt like forever, likely as a result of staying out far too late Saturday and spent the rest of the day lolling about on the couch feeling sorry for myself. Thankfully we had the tail end of a hurricane to help add weather appropriate for lolling. Sunday was also the opening film gala for Cinefest, Paul Gross' new film Passchendaele. Paul Gross was here for the film sending all the ladies into a flutter with his dreamy blue eyes. Me, I opted out for a few reasons. 1) I had a dinner with my folks who I haven't seen in a couple of weeks; 2) I had to take 2 naps in order to make it to that dinner and 3) as a rule I have a personal veto on war movies. I can watch a guy get chainsawed in half by a psychotic madman but show me war-movie violence and I'm haunted for like a week. I cannot handle them likely due to the fact that as Hollywood-ized as the violence still is, any of the things being showed actually happened to someone at some point. Somebody's son, somebody's husband, somebody's brother -- all of those people experienced that Saving Private Ryan level of horror and I cannot watch it. I tend to cry for days after those kinds of movies, I have nightmares -- it's horrible. So that year that S.P.R came out and seemed to be followed by that glut of similar movies I applied this personal veto to my movie-viewing future and I'm a better person for it.
There's a bunch of good movies here this week and I will attempt to give a full round-up at the end of the week. Tonight we are off to see Happy Go Lucky, the new film by Mike Leigh (Secrets & Lies, Vera Drake). It's described as being very Amelie-esque and that's all the push I need to haul my butt out to see it.

just a little fyi for you: i went to walden galleria last night. of course i stopped by j crew and the fall stuff is GORGEOUS in person. just sayin'!!
(but i did not buy anything because i have to save my money for ferm living wallpaper)
sigh.... that is the last thing I needed to hear!! I'm trying to save money and I just want to buy everything!!
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