Tickets are purchased for anniversary trip 2008!! 5 glorious days in the big city and we're gonna do it up right. Anniversary dinner at the
Four Seasons, pizza eating at a hole in the wall in Little Italy, a trip to
Kate Spade for Kaili, chilling out in Central Park, Museum of Natural History, drinks in Soho, you name it and we're gonna do it. Happlily taking all suggestions from repeat visitors and residents (
Abbey that means you!).
Just pay attention to all the buskers and street performers. We were on a subway car, and a guy came in the doors between cars, and announced to everyone that he was going to sing us a song, and if we were so inclined, could perhaps give some money afterwards. He was this old black guy, probably fifty or so, and he was amazing. I gladly handed over ten dollars.
There was an accapella band on the staten island ferry (which is a great, free way to see the statue of liberty, and a beautiful view of downtown Manhatten, though not a little sad without the twin towers there now) and they were great too.
And there was an old, blind, black reggae guitar player on one of the subway platforms that will always standout.
The buskers in New York really take it up a level.
By the way, Matt McLean wrote the last comment, but I can't remember my password to sign onto Google, so I had to post as anonymous.
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