Happy Me Day! It's my birthday today on a sunny Sunday. Last night Marc threw me a surprise party (full post and pictures to follow) and I was surprised. He also fashioned me a record cake made with spice cake, black licorice, and black icing that dyed everyone's mouth black. It was great! Yay for surprise parties! Thanks to everyone that came and ate and drank, and drank, and drank. I'll round up photos and do a detailed post I promise!
Hope everyone has a Happy Tara's Birthday!!
That is obviously the coolest cake of all time. Please send my compliments to Marc and let him know I will likely steal the idea for Steve's b-day in November. I'll give him partial credit of course.
Oh, and happy birthday yet again. Whoever says birthdays stop being fun when you're past 21 or 25 is full of it. Surprise parties are always fun, I don't care who you are!
Happy Birthday, Tara!! I totally agree with Kelly, that is one cool cake. What a sweety that Mark is.
Hope this year is filled with lots of wonderful surprises, great music and, of course, cake.
I'm scared. Please be gentle with posting!
So jealous of your fabulous husband and fabulous cake...remind him that June 11 is coming up soon!
Aw shucks, thanks for the blessings. Fun times were had by all. Don't worry MG, I'll blog gently I promise :)
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