Thursday started out the 5 day weekend and we kicked it off in style by going out tree-planting with Marc's office. He does environmental-type work and they go planting every year and since I was off I opted to tag along and do my part for Mother Nature. We had glorious weather and there were sandwiches. What more can you ask for. Here's some sweet tree-planting action shots from the day.

Friday brought the start of the weekend's craptacular weather and the squashing of our Manitoulin Island getaway plans. I instead spent the day watching the tree guy take down a very old and very dead tree in our backyard (good thing I went tree-planting to reverse the damage). On the positive side, the tree isn't going to come crashing down on our house or our neighbours' house during the next storm, the rest of the trees in our yard should now thrive and we've got enough firewood to get us through the next 2 winters. So even though it was hard to watch, it was for the greater good. I also managed to get my weeding done before it rained and became officially mega-crappy. Friday night brought a lovely lovely dinner out with Ma and Pa Levesque and the start of wine time. Wine time thankfully continued throughout the weekend.
Saturday we hung about the house being domestic. Luckily it was still wine time so that helped to end the day on a high note.
Sunday my mother and I shopped like there was no tomorrow. We pretty much cleaned out the Joe Fresh sale -- I actually bought a pink summer dress. Don't tell anyone. Two more stores later and we headed home with about 546 bags of loot. I even let my mom talk me into getting a buttery soft, chocolate brown leather hip-length, double-breasted swing coat. It might be the best thing ever. And it was a RIDICULOUS bargain. Happy Tara indeed. End the day with an impromptu family dinner with the neices and their folks and you've got a pretty darn great day on your hands. Oh yeah, and it was still wine time.

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