Know what I'm really noticing as the weather heats up? Restaurants and bars have terrible selections of non-alcoholic drink options for those of us "in the condition." I'm getting really tired of drinking ginger-ale or plain ice water. Even around the house I'm trying to be pretty creative with the evening drinks to avoid just downing sodas and gallons of water to quench this never-ending pregnancy thirst (thanks for not telling me about this part pregnant friends!). Poor Marc has been gallantly mixing club soda with pureed blender fruit, making me smoothies every 5 minutes of the day and I've upped my already copious amounts of milk-drinking to a galactic level. And I must give props to
Stappj, the Italian bitter soda company, for single-handedly saving me in my first 3 months of morning sickness.
However despite all our efforts, I still find myself endlessly searching for new beverage options for me and this super-thirsty belly dweller. Here are some options I know I'll be busting out this summer...
Pineapple Kiwi Smoothie courtesy of Notecook
Blackberry Lime Spritzer courtesy of Craftzine
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