So we're fresh back from our anniversary vacation! This year obviously we had some travel restrictions what with me being 100 months pregnant and all so we decided to lay relatively low. A friend of Marc's offered us his cabin in Southampton for a few days (for free!!) and it was just what the doctor (and my poor swollen feet) ordered. When in doubt about how far you can push your pregnant belly, always opt for a few days of sitting on a gorgeous beach I say!

Took a ferry cruise around Georgian Bay - this is the famous "flower pot" on the aptly named Flower Pot Island.

This is Georgian Bay just being gorgeous.

I mean honestly, Ontario's got the best stuff... shipwrecks under 2 metres of water!

The beach in Southampton that was about 20 seconds from our door.

Me and the belly at about 7 months.

Pretty flowers.

Our beach's sunsets. Crazy beautiful.

With light like this, how could we not take sparkly pictures of each other?

This was a weirdly hazy evening -- gave everything this fuzzy look.

Our teeny tiny slice of heaven in the trees.

Our annual contribution to our "us kissing in fun places" photo file.

Lake Huron rocky beaches.

How we spent the entire day - picnic, blanket, beach, perfection!

Getting some sun on the bambina -- she loved it and wiggled away the afternoon.

The beach houses with the dunes and sand going right up to their doors. Heaven...

The sunsets were insane. We took about 1000 pictures.

That's the Chantry Bay lighthouse. It's also a bird sanctuary.

All in all, a pretty lovely few days. A quick escape together was just what was needed before the fall when things will take a turn for the crazy!!!