So as I posted, Sunday was our wedding anniversary and we've sort of loosely promised to always take a trip somewhere on our anniversary. Sometimes it'll be a big trip, sometimes a trip somewhere close by but we've vowed to always at least try to be somewhere kinda special on the 21st of June. This year, since we've been away so much this summer and have been (and will continue to be) bunking Sadie with her grandfolks, we decided that she's earned a little vacation herself.
So knowing we didn't have tons of time and didn't want to drive super far with Sadie we opted for a puppy-friendly cottage in Lakefield called
Seldom Scene, a bed and breakfast with a guest cottage on the property. And what a property!! Log cabin, by a quiet windy river, meadow nearby, gazebo with loungers, a hammock, and inside the cabin you find all the luxuries of home including a jacuzzi bathtub, a super duper fancy Swiss shower with lights and a phone, espresso machine, homemade breakfasts brought to our door every morning along with brownies and muffins warm from the oven and hell, even a couple dirty movies in the cabinet for those you so inclined.
And as good a time as Marc and I had, I think Sadie had three times that much fun. She met her first turtle, chased her first frogs, spent most of her time diving headfirst into ditches filled with daisies and when she wasn't laying in the sun she was showing us how fast she could run all around the yard. I'm also happy to report that she now will successfully respond to the phrase "Sadie get the bug!!"
As for Marc and I , we happily explored the surprisingly lovely, lovely town of Peterborough. I don't know why I expected that town to be awful but it is quite the contrary. Great restaurants (had amazing tapas at a place called
Elements), great little boutiques, killer cafes.....yup, Peterborough is officially awesome. We also managed to take a side trip to Port Hope, one of the best places to antique in Ontario and cuz we're those kind of people we did antique our faces off and picked up some great pieces (which I'll do a separate post about). Managed a trip to
Michael Thomas's amazing shop which went splendidly well and we found a great early 1900's office chair made in Kitchener. So pretty and so comfortable!
We took another side trip up to the
Kawartha Country Winery where they make some of Canada's best fruit wines. And trust me, these aren't the awful fruit wines that your mom and college roommate drank. This is the good stuff. We went and were spoiled rotten and sampled a pile of delicious beverages and left with a case full of fruity deliciousness, including a Golden Plum wine, a dry Rhubarb, a Blackcurrant, and an amazing bottle of Blackcurrant Port that knocked my port-loving socks off.
And really, other than that, we pretty much holidayed and then some. Here are some pics:
Another pic to add to our collection of us kissing in places far from home.

We even found turtle nests!!

Sadie met her first turtle. She is so, so brave.

And then she saw her first cow. He fancied her.

Who knows what she's getting in this photo.....

The river steps from our front door - so close you could hear it bubbling away at night....swoon.

Then she met her first frog....

And hung out at her first vineyard -she even got to go inside!

Here's Sadie amongst the daisies, so at home.