Thanks to
Jane for showing me these shocking and yet strangely cute planters from Toronto based
Science & Sons. "Drawing inspiration from the bonsai, park planters were created to elevate the common household plant to the status of full grown tree. The potted plant becomes the backdrop for an urban park scene. Ranging from dog walkers to flashers and muggers, no two scenes are alike ensuring the autonomy of each piece."
Is it wrong to have a ceramic likeness of some dude getting a BJ displayed in your living room? Probably. But I still like a good fellatio joke as much as the next girl.

I don't know why, but your capitalization of b.j. (and the subsequent gravitas that use of the shift-key engenders) is infinitely amusing to me. Heehee!
I think they're hilarious. I also think most people wouldn't notice. Which makes them even funnier. Glad you enjoyed :)
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