The photographs were taken by Hal Brindley, an American wildlife photographer, who was supposed to be taking pictures of hippos from his car in the Kruger National Park.
The giant cat raced out of cover provided by scrub and bushes to surprise the crocodile, which was swimming nearby.
A terrible and bloody struggle ensued. Eventually, onlookers were amazed to see the leopard drag the crocodile from the water as the reptile fought back.
In the past, there have been reports of crocodiles killing leopards, but this is believed to the first time that the reverse scenario has been observed.

On a sidenote, Sunday at 9pm also marks the beginning of everyone's favourite time of year: Shark Week 2008 on the Discovery Channel!!!!!! In honour of the occasion, I've "sharked myself" using their handy dandy Shark Yourself tool. Don't be frightened. It's only a photo. I am not actually a shark.

That is the funniest thing ever!!! I have been laughing my head off for about 8 days now!
yeah I'm a bit fond of that one myself.
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