...you sure do treat me nice!!!
Another season has come and gone and we're finally coming up for air on the other side of it all. All in all it was a great holiday with both friends, family and pets. As I mentioned last week, this year all past traditions went out the window which resulted in a much quieter Christmas for Marc and I. In the past, Christmas day saw us go to my parents, then to my mother-in-law's for dinner #1 then out the valley for my aunt's dinner #2. It was exhausting and super hard to do when you have a dog waiting alone at home
for almost the entire day. Marc and I usually have our own Christmas on Christmas Eve and exchange our gifts then as it was pretty much the only time we had alone. This year, Marc's family celebration was moved to Christmas Eve thus nixing our "alone" Christmas. But the celebration out at my aunt's on Christmas Day didn't hap
pen this year leaving us with only one thing to do on the 25th. Which is strange because that has never happened before. Ever. We almost didn't know what to do with ourselves. A whole day just in one place?? You can do that?? Yes you can! And it's brilliant!! It was like a whole new world! And it allowed Marc and I do have Christmas morning at our house before going to my folks' place. Here's a pic of Bailey enjoying his new big sheep Santa brought him.

And Bailey wasn't the only one who got to play with new toys, Tara didn't make out too badly herself. Some fave items of the day included the unexpected injection of more cashmere into my closet (lord knows that's never a bad thing), a Slow-Cooker (yes I actually really wanted one of them!), a Panini press (can you say panini party??), gift certificates to my 2 favourite coffee places downtown, my
Willie Nelson official fan-club Christmas ornament (yes, we're members before you ask), this adorable
crystal button cardigan and
this citron coloured boatneck sweater from J Crew (which, by the way, is having a CRAZY sale right now), a fantastic peacock platter from Pottery Barn (which helps dull the pain of the matching dishes being too small for me to justify buying), the Emile Henry pasta bowls that we registered for when we got married, and a pile of other great stuff plus more chocolate than a girl really needs to have within arm's reach.
The nieces are getting older now and really starting to love clothes so it was super fun to watch them open things and hold them up and ooh and ahhh over them. We got a family portrait done for my folks this year and that, of course, was the big tears gift of the year. Every year my brother and I compete to see who will be the one to get the "crying" gift for my mom. Awful I know but if you know my mom at all you can see why that can be a bit fun. You never know what it's going to be. Some years it's the little 4 inch Santa ornament that pushes her over the edge, other years even the biggest most sentimental offering gets you nothing. It can be a real crapshoot and it's sick fun for my brother and I. Call us awful if you like.
Boxing Day was function #3 with a pile o'family over at my parents' place. Unfortunately, in the middle of having a great time with the extended family I got a killer headache, my temperature went though the roof, I broke into a cold sweat and literally had to run out on the party without so much as a goodbye to anyone other than my mother. My brother drove me home and I spent the rest of the night on my sofa with the blankets up over my head cuz I couldn't make it up to my room. I spent the 27th pretty much the same way. And then it was gone. Who knows what it was but I'm happy it's gone.
Overall, Christmas 07 was piles of fun and I hope everyone else's was the same. I look forward to catching up on my blog reading and seeing everyone soon!!