Friday started the weekend a bit early for me as I was treated to a lovely lunch with my Mom. Yay for lunches with Mom!!
Friday night took a bit of a turn for the strange. Strange but kind of fun. We had a fundraiser for our Nickel City Roller Derby League and so us derby gals headed out to a "club" here in town. I say "club" cuz it's exactly the kind of place I hate going -- bad music, frat boys and gals trying way too hard in far too few clothes. But in the spirit of derby -- off we went! Thank goodness for a pile of my friends that all showed up cuz that certainly made the night bearable. Man, I know we were all those girls at some point but leaving that place just made me feel bad for them -- they were trying SO hard and wearing SO little -- you know the majority of them went home alone after all that. Anyway, Marc and I were very happy to go home together and fall into a couch-full of pillows and put the driving bass behind us.
Saturday brought a really lovely walk in the conservation area with Sadie, some errand running and record shopping. After leaving with our arms full o'vinyl, we stuffed our bellies with croissants and cookies at a local bakery, ran some more errands and headed home for a delightful family nap.

Sunday we greeted the glorious sunshine with a nice long hike on the snowshoe trail up at the conservation area. It was such a stunning day it really seemed a shame not to spend it communing with nature. Marc even fed the chickadees right out of his hand. He's so zen. Spent the rest of the day in domestic bliss -- I cleaned, did laundry, baked muffins, and did all kinds of other domestic-y things. We did not watch the Superbowl but we DID watch the PuppyBowl (which Sadie actually watched with us - no joke) and ate nachos.
All in all, a truly great weekend with lots of great outside fun and some good couple-y-ness. Which I never complain about really....
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